Thursday, October 13, 2022

Thoughts on Man-to-Man in D&D

Dragons fight as "4 heavy horse", which is simple on the mass Combat table, but unclear on Man to Man.
But wait, "Barding" is an armor option on the M2M table.
Dragon armor rating can simply be equal to Barding, with the appropriate number of Hit Die as referenced in D&D Book 2.
Then they also have that Achilles Heel of being shot out of the sky by a Hero on a roll of 12

I'm not a fan of multiple attack rolls. One "chance to hit" per attack is enough.
Hit Points should (and do) replace simultaneous hits with cumulative hits. There's no need to model extra attacks or anything on top of that.

Light, Heavy and Armored Foot troop types can map directly onto the Leather, Chain, and Plate armor types.
Light,  Medium, Heavy and Draft Horses are purchasable mounts in D&D, and with the addition of Barding can be armored.

In Chainmail, while flanking, the defender is hit as if he was one lower troop type. This correlates to a 2 step drop in armor type on M2M, with consideration given for a shield. It's also probably the origin of the "+2 to hit" rule in AD&D. In both AD&D and Supplement 1, the right flank gets no protection from a shield.

Digging into the Chainmail M2M rules has given me a new appreciation of Supplement I: Greyhawk as merely an attempt to translate Chainmail rules into the D&D chassis. The implementation is a bit tortured and some of the math is wrong, but its what we've come to expect from Gygax. I feel like a fuller explanation of the imported systems would have benefited the supplement, and apparently Gygax did too, as that's what he wrote in AD&D (and had issues describing it there as well)

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