Sunday, August 2, 2020

My Mystara Campaign

So I bit the bullet and created a campaign on Roll20, in the Mystara campaign setting using the BECMI rules. I've billed it as an ongoing, open world sandbox styled campaign, and that's what it would be for the first session or so, but really I want to run through the modules B11 King's Festival and B12 Queen's Harvest, leading eventually to B10 Night's Dark Terror. Those three modules all occur in the same area of Karameikos and can fit more or less seamlessly together. The first two are basically just dungeon crawls with some story dressing, so I can fit them in whenever.

That area in Karameikos specifically has a lot of pre-made content written for it. Threshold and the surrounding areas are given plenty of detail in the Expert set, which is expanded upon in the Gazetteers and several modules, so finding material to fill in a game session shouldn't be too hard.

As a VTT software platform, I find Roll20 lacking in many ways but its LFG tool is heads above any other method of finding players, so I had to succumb and put it there.  Every other VTT on the market is taking the wrong approach, I think, by trying to be free and open source and making more features for automation, but providing no new way of finding or connecting players together. Fantasy Grounds requires you to do 90's style port forwarding and direct IP connection.  Roll20 simply wins the VTT competition, and will continue to do so for some time, I think, simply due to its ease of use.

I tried to get spur-of-the-moment pick up games running, but that met with mixed success so I figure the only way to really get consistent games is to keep an ongoing campaign running with a large pool of players involved.

Ironically, when I was looking at other games I noticed that quite a few were set in Mystara, and were playing the same modules that I wanted to use.

I want to run a similar game, set in the World of Greyhawk in the AD&D 1e system. Greyhawk itself is a very empty campaign setting, and all the modules nominally set within it are disjointed from one another. The TAGDQ series is a popular adventure path to play through for Greyhawk, but I was thinking of lowering the scope, and actually introducing the namesake City.  The City and Dungeon of Greyhawk itself were never released to the public, but a faux version of them appeared for the 2e system. Which is fine by me, I wouldn't want to play in Gygax's personal campaign any more than he would want to play in mine. 

For my campaign, I was planning on starting with T1: Hommlet, touching ToEE for a bit (because it is a really involved, cumbersome dungeon that players would get bored of sooner or later) and then routing them to the City of Greyhawk and Greyhawk Ruins. It would be a smaller campaign that wouldn't get very far out of the mid levels, but in case the players get bored there is the whole World of Greyhawk to explore, which I intend to fill in with content from the Wilderlands of High Fantasy.

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